Our general terms & conditions
Booking can be made via online booking, e-mail or telephone. For all bookings made by phone or e-mail, the customer will be charged a booking fee of SEK 350. The booking is valid for both Lapland Resorts AB and for the customer as soon as Lapland Resorts AB has received the payment and the customer has not cancelled their reservation within 10 days after the date of the order. When the booking has been paid for, the customer has accepted the current payment and cancellation terms. It is the customer’s responsibility to check the confirmation and to make sure that the arrival and departure dates are correct.
When booking is made via online booking, this means that the entire amount is debited to the customer’s debit card in connection with the purchase. When booking is made by e-mail or telephone, a payment link is sent to the customer’s e-mail. Via the payment link, the customer pays 100% of the booking amount with their payment card. Payment must be made no later than 10 days after the booking date, if payment is not made within this time the stay will be cancelled. For bookings less than 10 days until the day of arrival, free cancellation is not applied, and payment must be made immediately. If you have a gift card that you want to use, contact the booking department.
In case of cancellation made earlier than twenty-nine (29) days before the agreed arrival date, 80% of the booking amount will be refunded. If canceled later than twenty-nine (29) days before the agreed arrival date, 10% of the booking amount will be refunded. If canceled on the day of arrival or no show, no refund will be given. Any fee paid for cancellation protection will not be refunded. Cancellation can be made in writing or orally. Oral cancellation only applies after the customer has received a written confirmation from Lapland Resorts AB. Written cancellation shall be deemed to have taken place at the time when the cancellation was received by Lapland Resorts AB.
Cancellation protection in case of illness etc
The customer has the right to sign a cancellation protection of SEK 500 per booking at the time of booking. The fee for the cancellation protection is not refunded in case of cancellation. With the exception of a handling fee of 20% of the total amount and the fee for the cancellation protection, the cancellation protection means that the customer is protected against cancellation costs due to the following circumstances, which may not have been known at the time of booking
- a) Death, illness or accident of a serious nature that has affected the customer, the customer’s spouse, cohabitant, family, or fellow traveler.
- b) Conscription into the armed forces or civil defense.
The cancellation can be made in writing or orally. Oral cancellation only applies after the customer has received a written confirmation from Lapland Resorts AB. Written cancellation shall be deemed to have taken place at the time when the cancellation was received by Lapland Resorts AB. The customer must, in order to be able to invoke the rules for refund of the cancellation protection, be able to prove the incapacity of travelling with a certificate from e.g. doctor, authority or insurance company. The certificate must be sent to Lapland Resorts AB as soon as possible, preferably within one week from the day of cancellation. In the event of an interrupted stay, Lapland Resorts AB will refund the payment made for the remaining full day, provided that the interruption is due to circumstances attributable to point a) or b) above.
After Lapland Resorts AB’s approval, the customer has the right to make changes to their booking. In the event of changes, Lapland Resorts AB charges a change fee of two hundred (200) kronor per change. Lapland Resorts AB has the right to relocate the customer to another equivalent cottage / room / apartment due to events that are beyond Lapland Resorts AB’s control. If possible, Lapland Resorts AB shall notify the customer of such changes before access and otherwise as soon as possible. The customer is not entitled to fully or partially fail to pay the agreed fees due to changes under this provision.
The client’s rights
The customer may withdraw from the agreement if Lapland Resorts AB does not provide the cottage / room / apartment in the promised condition or at the right time and cannot offer an equivalent cottage / room / apartment. If the customer withdraws from the agreement on this basis, Lapland Resorts AB shall refund the entire rental amount less the benefit the customer may have had from the cottage / room. Instead of withdrawing from the agreement, the customer can request that Lapland Resorts AB reduce the rent.
The customer’s duty of care
The client must take good care of the cottage / room / apartment and follow the rules, instructions and regulations that apply to the facility. The customer is responsible for all damage that occurs to the cottage / room / apartment and its equipment because the customer or someone in the customer’s company has been negligent. The cottage / room / apartment may not be used for anything other than what has been agreed upon booking and the customer may not allow more people to stay overnight in the cottage / room / apartment than the customer stated when booking. If the booking concerns a cottage, the cottage must be left in a tidy condition. In the event of inadequate cleaning, a cleaning fee will be charged. All rooms / cottages as well as public areas are non-smoking.
War, natural disasters, strikes, etc.
The parties have the right to withdraw from the agreement if the cottage / room / apartment cannot be provided due to acts of war, natural disasters, labor market conflicts, prolonged interruptions in the water or energy supply, fire or other similar major events that could not be foreseen or affected. Upon termination of the agreement in accordance with this provision, Lapland Resorts AB shall refund what the customer has paid, less the benefit the customer has had from the cottage / room. Lapland Resorts AB only reimburses what the customer has paid, in the event of transport strikes / conflicts, if the transport has been booked by Lapland Resorts AB.
Any remarks must be made immediately during the stay to the facility or to a person designated by the facility. The customer is not entitled to invoke an error if the customer does not notify Lapland Resorts AB thereof within a reasonable time after the customer has noticed or removed the error.
If the customer has complaints to make and an agreement has not been reached between Lapland Resorts AB and the customer, the customer has the opportunity to refer the dispute to the General Complaints Board or general court.
An arrangement is when premises are provided with or without accommodation and / or food, e.g. for conferences, or for group and banquet bookings. The client is the person – legal or natural – who is liable for payment for the event. By supplier (hereinafter LRAB) is meant the facility that delivers the event. The value of an order is the agreed price for the entire order or the sum of the ordered number of participants multiplied by the agreed price per participant per day, and the price for specially ordered services. The order recipient is the person at the supplier who issued the order confirmation.
2. Order
Ordering can be done orally or in writing. LRAB’s order recipient issues, after an approved quote, a booking confirmation, which the customer returns signed to the same.
3. Booking fee
Invoice for booking fee is sent immediately by LRAB after confirmed order. The booking fee (deducted from the final payment) corresponds to 25% of the confirmed order value and is due, unless otherwise agreed, for payment 10 days from the invoice date. The booking fee is not refunded in connection with cancellation or reduced number of participants. If the booking fee is not paid, the order is not binding on LRAB and the stay is cancelled.
4. Special requests when ordering
If the customer have special requests (special diets, pets, etc…) it should be mentioned already at the time of booking. The same applies if the customer requires special security arrangements.
5. Valuable property
If the customer wishes to take property of high value with him and store it in LRAB’s storage spaces, luggage compartment or safe, the customer must inform LRAB of this. In the event of theft or the like, LRAB is liable for compensation only if LRAB has undertaken to be responsible for the property through written confirmation.
6. Cancellation
Cancellations must be made in writing by letter or electronic mail to the order recipient. If cancelled earlier than 29 days before the first day of the event, the customer will pay LRAB the booking fee. If cancelled after 29 days before the first day of the event, the customer pays LRAB 90 percent of the total value of the order. If cancelled on the day of arrival, the customer will reimburse LRAB with 100% of the total value of the order. Should a dispute arise regarding the customer’s liability for compensation, LRAB has the right to withhold an amount paid in advance up to the disputed amount until the Liability Committee has decided the dispute.
7. Payment
The customer is responsible for all costs incurred according to the order. If the participants are to pay for the order on site, individually, this must be approved by LRAB. Failure to participate in the ordered event does not entail the right to a reduction in the price. Payment must be made by agreement. If an agreement has been reached on payment against invoice, the customer must pay full payment within 10 days from the date of the invoice. If this payment deadline is exceeded, LRAB has the right to charge interest on arrears from the due date with the applicable reference interest with an addition of eight percent.
8. Reservation for price changes
a) If costs for delivery according to the order increase as a result of increased taxes, devaluation, authorities’ decisions or comparable circumstances, LRAB is entitled to charge a price supplement corresponding to the cost increase.
b) If LRAB wishes to make a reservation against price increases, LRAB must clearly state this in its written confirmation of receipt of the order.
c) LRAB shall immediately inform the customer when price surcharges occur.
9. Force majeure
Strikes, lockouts, fires, explosions, wars or similar war conditions, significant restrictions on deliveries or other circumstances beyond LRAB’s control, entitles LRAB to terminate the agreement without obligation to pay damages.
10. Liability for property / damage
LRAB has no strict responsibility for property stored in hotel rooms or in LRAB’s premises. Should it turn out that LRAB or its employees acted negligently or were otherwise at fault for property being lost or damaged, LRAB is responsible for the lost / damaged property. LRAB is also responsible for property stored in LRAB’s locked storage space unless the property is of particularly high value (see item 5). The customer is liable for damage caused to LRAB by himself or his participants through negligence or carelessness.
11. Disputes
In the first instance, contact LRAB’s order recipient directly with any comments. To resolve disputes and ambiguities for groups, conferences and other events, SHR’s Liability Committee is available to the parties free of charge. SHR’s member companies have agreed to be following the committee’s decision.
- To ensure that the caravan is fire-insured, the LPG system is leak-checked at least every two years and electrical equipment is approved in accordance with current regulations.
- The electrical connection is 10A with the possibility of charging 2200W. All cables must be of EU-approved type, RDOD or RDOT 1.5 mm², or equivalent. The cable must not be longer than necessary when a voltage drop occurs. If the fuse does not hold, it is usually due to overload or that a fault has occurred in your caravan / cable. If a main fuse breaks, contact staff. It is the camping guest’s duty to ensure that the fuse of the correct strength, 10A, is in the electric pole. Manipulation of fuse means immediate termination! Cable TV connection is available at each location with the power pole. The guest holds the antenna cable himself.
- Under no circumstances may waste water be discharged directly to the ground. Use tight containers (according to the Swedish Environmental and Health Protection Act) and empty in designated places. In sub-zero temperatures, open vessels are permitted. Frozen water is emptied into the rubbish bin, NOT into the sink.
- The ball coupling must not be placed against the electrical terminal, must not be locked and the parking brake must not be applied.
The outer end of the ball coupling is marked 1.8-2.0 m above the ground to avoid carriage damage when clearing snow. LRAB is not responsible for any. damage that occurs to invisible electrical cables. - No liability for snow removal is taken for objects hidden under the snow
- No snow removal takes place between the trailers to avoid damage as much as possible.
- Notify no later than one week before you intend to set up / depart with the trolley. At check-in, marking cards are handed out, which must be set up clearly visible in the window on the trolley, as well as 2 key cards for the service house. For replacement cards, a fee of SEK 100 / card should be paid.
- During the season, only the general areas of the campsite are cleared of snow, not between the caravans.
- Leased space may not be transferred or subleased to another person without the camping landlord’s consent. In the event of a subletting, LRAB has the right to terminate the agreement without refund.
- Scooters are parked between the caravans and may be used to and from the snowmobile trail. In densely populated areas, 30 km / h prevails. Signage regarding snowmobile traffic within our business area must be followed. If this is not complied with and if snowmobile drivers can be traced to a certain seasonal location, LRAB reserves the right to terminate the location agreement after warning. The name on the booking is responsible for ensuring that people referred to the place follow these rules.
- The quantity of flammable gas and liquids may be a maximum of 60 litters of LPG (2 p11) and 100 liters of flammable liquid (eg petrol) per household (camping unit). Flammable fuels (petrol, kerosene) must not be stored under or in the caravan (caravan’s ordinary gas system excepted).
- Between 22: 00-06: 00 there is night faith, ie no noise that can disturb the neighbours may occur. Petrol / diesel powered electric units are switched off no later than 22:00. The environment must not be exposed to unreasonable disturbance. Health, order and good condition are maintained within the campsite. At the end of the season / when the equipage leaves, the place must be cleaned. If costs for clearing space arise, the tenant will be charged.
- If the conditions are not complied with or the tenant otherwise behaves in a disruptive manner in a rented place, the camping landlord has the right to terminate the agreement without notice without the right to a refund of the rent. Requests to make corrections or cancellations can be sent to the guest either orally or by registered letter. If the caravan etc. is not removed from the site at the latest at the end of the lease period or one week after termination of the contract, the camping landlord has the right to remove the property at the guest’s expense.
- Full payment of rented space is made according to booking confirmation via payment link with card. The payment must reach us on 31 August. If payment is not made, LRAB has the right to cancel the place and rent it out to another guest. * All new bookings of year / season place are booked online, and the full amount is paid at the time of booking.
- Failure to pay does not mean that the place is automatically terminated. Termination of place must be done in writing in accordance with current conditions, see agreement.
- Electricity fee
Seasonal place Björkliden / Riksgränsen – Before check-in and after the last check-out day, LRAB reads the place’s electric pole. Payment is made against invoice after the end of the lease period. Year place Björkliden & Riksgränsen – Payment of electricity fee is made against invoice on two occasions (June and October) during the lease period. The electric poles are read on 1 June and before new on the stand in September. The tenant is responsible for his electricity consumption, with a recommendation to keep his electricity pole locked during his lease period. - When you rent a caravan site, you normally have priority for the same campsite next year. We reserve the right to make changes outside our control which may affect these routines.
- The caravan is parked on the far right of the site with the stern as far back in the site as possible, if the crew is not positioned correctly, the tenant must move the crew to the correct position upon request.
- For reasons of space, only one car can be parked at each seasonal site. Other cars are parked in the public parking lots. Vehicles must be parked on site, so neighbours are not exposed to inconvenience.
- The tenant is obliged to ensure that LRAB has the correct name, address, telephone and e-mail information. In the event of changes, LRAB must be notified.
- LRAB conveys all information and invoicing via the e-mail address provided. If an e-mail address is not to be used, it must be notified to camping@laplandresorts.se
- From 1 January 2018, Lapland Resorts will only allow registered and inspected as well as approved caravans.
- Complaint.
Any remarks must be made immediately during the stay to the facility or to the person designated by the facility. The customer is not entitled to invoke an error if the customer does not notify Lapland Resorts AB thereof within a reasonable time after the customer has noticed or removed the error.
The provider runs the campsite in Riksgränsen / Björkliden. The guest has expressed his interest in renting a parking space for a caravan in the campsite. Due to this, the parties have agreed on the following.
- Assignment
1.1 The Provider provides a parking space at the Camping in accordance with the attached map, Appendix 3 (the “Parking Site”) on the conditions specified below.
1.2 The lease also includes a right for the Guest to use the existing service building in the campsite with existing toilets, showers, drying and washing rooms.
1.3 For each parking space there is an electrical outlet with a 10 amp fuse.
1.4 Guests also have the right to build a courtyard / nail tent. The largest permitted dimensions are a width of a maximum of 2.5 meters, a length of a maximum of 4.5 meters and with a maximum height of 2.4 meters, however, the height must not exceed the caravan. In Appendix 1, Agreements, and rules for “nail tents / courtyards, it is stated in more detail what requirements are placed on nail tents / courtyards.
Existing nail tents / courtyards in Riksgränsen are not affected by the above requirements. Provided that the site is not cancelled, and the forecourt is removed. If the place changes owner, the above requirements apply.
- Contract period
2.1 The assignment for an annual place refers to the period September year one – September following year (dates vary)
2.2 Lease for seasonal place refers to the period September – May (dates vary)
The lease for an annual place refers to the period September – September of the following year.
2.3 If the agreement is not terminated for a rented place, no later than 3 months before the start of a new period (September) by either party the following year, the agreement is extended by one (1) year at a time.
2.4 Termination of place must be done in writing, to camping@laplandresorts.se
- Fee, payment terms, cancellation fee, etc.
3.1 The annual fee is currently SEK 21,925 and the seasonal fee is SEK 14,970 and is paid via a payment link with a card that is sent to the customer’s stated e-mail address. * Extension from seasonal place to annual place SEK 8,800 (over summer season) * All new bookings of annual / seasonal place are booked online and the full amount is paid at the time of booking.
3.2 Electricity is added exclusively, SEK 1.75 / kwh.
3.3 Electricity is not included in the rental fee but is charged separately against the invoice after a reading of the actual electricity consumption.
3.4 A final reading and final settlement is also made at the end of the Contract Period. The invoice is sent to the customer’s specified e-mail.
3.5 If termination of place has not taken place in accordance with item 2: 3, an invoice will be sent for a new period.
3.6 In the event of termination of rented space after the end of August, the customer must pay 20% of the booked value. Upon termination of rented space after September, the customer pays 100% of the booked value.
- General conditions
4.1 For stays at the campsite, the current “General conditions regarding seasonal rental” apply. The general terms and conditions of the agreement, as amended on 2016-09-16, are attached to this agreement and the Guest is encouraged to read these carefully.
4.2 Violation of the general terms and conditions, failure to fulfil their payment obligations and / or other breach of contract may lead to an immediate termination of the agreement and rejection from the Camping.
Booking can be made via online booking. The booking applies to both Lapland Resorts AB and the customer as soon as Lapland Resorts AB has received the payment and the customer within 10 days after the order time has not cancelled their reservation. As the booking has been paid for, the customer has accepted the current payment and cancellation terms. It is the customer’s responsibility to check the confirmation and to make sure that the dates are correct.
When booking is made via online booking, this means that the entire amount is debited to the customer’s debit card in connection with the purchase. If you have a gift card that you want to use, contact the booking department.
In case of cancellation made earlier than twenty-nine (29) days before the agreed arrival date, 100% of the booking amount will be refunded. If cancelled later than twenty-nine (29) days before the agreed arrival date, 10% of the booking amount will be refunded. If cancelled on the day of arrival or no show, no refund will be given. Any fee paid for cancellation protection will not be refunded. Cancellation can be made in writing or orally. Oral cancellation only applies after the customer has received a written confirmation from Lapland Resorts AB. Written cancellation shall be deemed to have taken place at the time when the cancellation was received by Lapland Resorts AB.
The client’s rights
The customer may withdraw from the agreement if Lapland Resorts AB does not provide the activity in the promised condition or at the right time and cannot offer an equivalent activity. If the customer withdraws from the agreement on this basis, Lapland Resorts AB shall refund the full price less the benefit the customer may have had from the activity. Instead of withdrawing from the agreement, the customer can request that Lapland Resorts AB reduce the price.
War, natural disasters, strikes, etc.
The parties have the right to withdraw from the agreement if the activity cannot be provided due to acts of war, natural disasters, labour market conflicts, prolonged interruptions in the water or energy supply, fire or other similar major events that could not be foreseen or affected. Upon termination of the agreement in accordance with this provision, Lapland Resorts AB shall refund what the customer has paid, less the benefit the customer has had from the activity. Lapland Resorts AB only reimburses what the customer has paid, in the event of transport strikes / conflicts, if the transport has been booked by Lapland Resorts AB.
Any remarks must be made immediately during the stay to the facility or to a person designated by the facility. The customer is not entitled to invoke an error if the customer does not notify Lapland Resorts AB thereof within a reasonable time after the customer has noticed or removed the error.
If the customer has complaints to make and an agreement has not been reached between Lapland Resorts AB and the customer, the customer has the opportunity to refer the dispute to the General Complaints Board or general court.