General information
General information
Race Information
The Björkliden Arctic Mountain Marathon is held in Riksgränsen, where all central race activities take place:
- Accommodation
- Start and Finish lines
- Race Office: Located at Blå Rummet
Changing Team Name, Participants, or Class
Upon registering, your team will receive three emails:
- Welcome Email
- Receipt
- Starting Place Confirmation
These emails include links that allow you to view and modify your registration.
To make changes:
- Click the link in your registration email.
- Make the necessary updates.
- A new start certificate will be issued as proof of the changes.
Deadline for Online Changes
- Online changes must be completed by 4 August 2025.
- After this date, changes can only be made at the race office (secretariat) until the start of the race.
Unable to Participate?
If you’re unable to compete, it’s your responsibility to resell your place.
- Recommendation: Use BAMM’s Facebook page as a forum for finding a buyer.
The entry fee for BAMM 30, 50, and 70 is 2500 SEK per team, which includes an Si stick.
- Binding Payment: The fee is non-refundable.
- Refund Policy: Upon presenting a valid medical certificate, 75% of the fee will be refunded up until June 1st. After this date, no refunds will be issued.
- Accommodation: Separate booking conditions apply for any accommodations.
- Competition Cancellation: If the event is cancelled, only the registration fee will be refunded, minus an administration fee of 100 SEK per team.
- Consent: By registering, you agree to receive updates and offers via email from Lapland Resorts and its partners.
All participants must pick up their bibs and register at the secretariat by 21:00 on Thursday, August 14th.
What Teams Receive
Participants in BAMM supported by OMM 30, 50, and 70 will be provided with:
- 1 SportIdent stick (per team)
- 1 GPS device (per team)
- Wristbands (for attaching the SportIdent badge)
- Number bibs (with safety pins)
- Equipment bag (for BAMM 30 only)
Special Instructions for BAMM 30 Teams
- Overnight Equipment Transport:
- Sleeping bags and tents will be transported to the overnight camp after the secretariat closes at 21:00.
- Pack your gear in a sealed and labeled plastic bag with your team number. No other equipment or provisions are allowed in this bag.
- Packing Drop-Off:
- Drop off your packed bag at the designated area next to Hotel Riksgränsen. Follow the signs to the well-marked location.
- Return of Equipment:
- Your sleeping bag and tent will be transported back to Hotel Riksgränsen by Saturday around 17:00.
- Equipment can be collected from the same location where it was dropped off.
Competition Meeting
A competition meeting will be held at 19:00 in Grönan. Attendance is optional.
- A digital version of the meeting will also be available on our website and Facebook page.
- The meeting will include a video presentation by the competition management, covering important race details and helpful tips.
The Map
The race map is based on Calazo’s mountain map with a scale of 1:50,000.
- Trail Markings: Trails are marked, but they may be hard to spot in the terrain, especially when crossing them briefly.
- Detail Levels:
- Swedish side: Rocky and steep terrain is more accurately marked.
- Norwegian side: Some variation in detail level compared to the Swedish side.
- Contour Intervals: The vertical distance between contour lines is 20 metres.
Map Distribution:
- Day 1 Maps: Distributed on Friday morning.
- Day 2 Maps: Distributed on Friday evening.
Competitors are responsible for marking any updates or changes on their maps.
Control Definitions
- Control definitions are printed on the map.
- Any manned controls will also be marked.
Information Board
- An information board will be located near the race office and at the night camp.
- Competitors are required to check the board for updates before the start of each day.
Course Changes
- Any updates to the courses will be posted on the information board at the hotel in Riksgränsen or at the night camp.
- The final course layout will be determined just before the competition, with any last-minute changes posted on the board.
- Spiked shoes or shoes with metal studs are not allowed inside the hotel in Riksgränsen.
Changing rooms / shower
- In your own accommodation or at Hotel Riksgränsen. Sauna and shower available at Hotel Riksgränsen.
Covering clothes
- The organiser is not able to take care of any outerwear brought to the start.
Valuables / Packing
- Equipment that is not needed during the competition can be left in a bag at the office before the competition and collected afterwards. We are not responsible for your valuables.
Other information
Start, Day 1
BAMM 30, 50, and 70 follow the designated route to the start.
There are very few toilets near the start area.
Check-in to start area
At entry to the start area, bibs must be shown to be checked off the start list. Teams not registered at the race office will be disqualified. After checking in at the start area, it must not be left.
Start method
Mass start with a start signal.
Overnight camp
Accommodation is in designated areas. Tent toilets, drinking water, and dishwashing water are available in designated areas.
Finish, Day 1
Finish is at the overnight camp for all teams. Entry via the finish funnel. Finish by punching when both team members are at the finish. After punching, the cards should be read by a staff member and cleared for the start of day 2.
BAMM 30 teams pick up their gear bags at the designated place.
Start, Day 2
Pursuit start for teams within 1 hour after the leading team. Check the start time on the notice board at the overnight camp. The start is in the start area near the overnight camp.
BAMM 30 teams place their gear bags (tents and sleeping bags) at the designated place.
Be alert to any course changes.
Finish, Day 2
Finish is after the last punching at the finish unit (a few meters behind the finish line). After finishing, equipment control will be conducted, after which you are free to leave the finish area.
Final results are based on the total time plus any time penalties.Posted on notice boards at the overnight camp, at Hotel Fjället, and on the website Bamm.nu. The race can be followed on BAMM’s Facebook page where preliminary results will be posted during the day and via a live link on SauconyBamm.com.
Awards cermony
Prizes are mainly for first, second, and third places, as well as mountain prizes.
The awards ceremony will take place in the finish area at 16:00 for each class/participant.
Access to a doctor is available in Riksgränsen at the start, overnight camp, and after finishing.
Mountain Saftey
Take no risks. The courses include passages of cliffs, streams, glaciers, and snowfields. The weather can quickly change in the mountains. Minus degrees, snow, rain, storm, fog can make some routes unsuitable.
BAMM is a running competition. If you find yourself in a situation where running has turned into climbing up vertical surfaces, you should choose a different route for your own safety.
In case of accident
Stay together as a team!
If something serious happens: Stay calm, take care of each other, get help from other teams/help other teams.
Alert the mountain rescue (112 in Sweden and 113 in Norway). Inform staff. The race safety plan is based on:
- Running in teams and taking care of each other if something happens.
- Being able to attract the attention and help of other teams.
- Teams carrying equipment to bivouac on the mountain and handle minor injuries.
- Some staffed controls on the course have phone contact with the race doctor and/or 112, mountain rescue. They also have extra first aid material.
- To avoid teams feeling pressured to reach the overnight camp or finish at all costs (to avoid being reported missing), we have introduced the rule that search operations start no earlier than the next day.
It is important that teams who drop out do not go home without notifying the race management.
How Timing Works
Timing with SportIdent
SportIdent is the system we use for punching control and timing. It is an electronic punching system where each participant carries a small “punch stick” – the SI stick, which contains an RFID chip. This stores timestamps and control codes for punches and finishes by punching into the punching units. All punches are confirmed by light and sound signals, no signal = no punch. Punching takes about 1 second, usually shorter. All punching units look the same but have different functions: clear, check, control, and finish. Each team member receives their own SI stick, which should be attached to the wrist with a wristband provided by us. This should be done before the start.
Before the start
Before the start, the SI stick must be cleared of old punches. This is done in a clear unit located near the start. Clearing can take several seconds, wait for the light and sound signal. Upon entry to the start area, everyone must punch in a check unit that verifies the stick is cleared, light and sound signal = okay, no signal = clear the stick.
During the race
Along the course, everyone must punch at the control units. We will check that team members do not punch too far apart in time, see the rules. The units are mounted on wooden stakes along with an orienteering marker and a puncher. If no light and sound signal is received when punching, the SI unit is not working properly, and the puncher should be used. Punch on the map.
There have also been instances where the SI unit continuously beeps. In this case, the puncher should also be used as the unit is not functioning.
At the finish, punch in a finish unit. This stops the time, but we would appreciate it if you proceed without delay to the readout unit, especially on Saturday when our speaker wants your finish time as soon as possible. The readout unit is connected to a computer that reads the SI stick, verifying that you punched correctly and recording your time. After the race, the SI stick must be returned.