Come and celebrate Walpurgis Night in Björkliden! We celebrate with a bonfire, and at the afterski and Pub Rallaren, troubadour Anders Karkea will be playing.
27 april | Låktastörten
Start 15.00 at Låktatjåkka mountain station. To get to Låktatjåkko, you can either ski or use a snowmobile. Take the opportunity to enjoy a delicious lunch or why not the classic Låkta waffle? The fastest descent wins, then there will be après-ski and prize-giving. In good weather, we will move the après-ski outdoors.
30 april | Walpurgis
18:30-20:00 | Evening skiing in Kåppas and Rakkas
16:00-18:00 | Après-ski with troubadour Anders Karkea
18:30-20:00 | Snöbaren is open
19:00 | Walpurgis bonfire at Snöbaren
22:00-01:00 | Après-ski with troubadour Anders Karkea