Cross-country trails
Rallarspåren (The Navvy Trail)
This cross-country trail starts at the sign marking for Rallarvägen opposite the railway station in Björkliden and will lead you past several iconic pieces of local history towards the old Navvy cemetery. It is a fun and varied track that is reasonably hilly. The trail leads through lovely forests adorning the mountainside which provide protection from the wind. You go back the same way with a fantastic view of Torneträsk and Lapporten.
The mid loop 7 km, Intermediate |
The blue trail turns right by the Navvy cemetery and will lead you back home through a slightly more hilly terrain. |
Hela Rallarspåret (The whole Navy Trail) |
The yellow trail passes straight ahead by the Navvy cemetery and turns slightly left thereafter towards the turning point by Stora Tunnelsjön (the Great Tunnel Lake). You ski home the same trail as you came, along the Navvy Trail. |
The whole loop |
The red trail passes the Navvy cemetery and turns right on the Navvy Trail towards Tornehamn’s Chapel. Turn right by the chapel. You will see a fantastic view over Lapporten before the trail takes you back home. Some parts on the way back are more challenging with hilly terrain. |
For updated track status check the snow report.
The hotel tracks
This cross-country trails at Hotel Fjället and Kåppas cabins are 1,1 and 4 km long respectively. The tracks are reasonably hilly and follow a forested area protected from the wind. The trail start either from Hotel Fjället behind the Sport shop or by the road opposite the entrance to the cottage parking, close to the Björkliden’s course.
The short loop |
The red trail turns right after approximately 600 meter, easy terrain back home. |
The long loop |
The yellow trail continues along the mountainside. Challenging uphill terrain and after that, beautiful trails winding through lovely forests and across marshes. On the way back you will ski in challenging uphill terrain and end with a whirring downhill. |
For updated track status check the snow report.
Rental & shop
Ski slope
Point of interest / view point
Please respect to only enter the tracks on skis
Suggestions to cross country skiing around Björkliden
To Låktatjåkko Mountain Lodge
The lower trail to Låktatjåkko mountain lodge is a marked winter trail that starts from Hotel Fjället. The trail is 9 km long and rises 900 m, which means that it is fairly challenging, so we recommend you don’t rush yourself; it’s a beautiful journey along the way. Make sure to bring warm clothes and a lunch bag. The upper trail to Låktatjåkko starts with taking the Kåppas chairlift up to the top station, or alternatively you can begin on the snowmobile trail. Then turn straight right out where the junction begins. This trail is a few kilometers shorter than the lower trail and has less of an ascent. Snowmobiles don’t ride this path to the same extent on this joint as on the lower one either. The two trails meet the last bit up towards the mountain lodge.
Crater Lake
Follow the marked winter trail that starts from Hotel Fjället up the mountain. Up on the hill you will see a sign that shows that the junction on the right leads to Kratersjön. The trail is relatively simple and not so difficult in terrain, and at Kratersjön you’ll be treated to a lovely a windbreak located next to the lake. On the way home, you can to go back the same way or follow the crossroads towards Rallarkyrkogården on the other side of the railway and take the long-distance track on Rallarvägen back.
Riksgränsen – Katterjåkk – Kärkevagge – Låktatjåkko Fjällstation – Björkliden
These Cross-country ski trails go all the way from Riksgränsen via Katterjåkk, Kärkevagge, Låktatjåkko Fjällstation (1228 meters above sea level) and on to Björkliden. This is truly a spectacular track with incredible views. The cross-country ski trail will be excellent with intersections / crossroads from Katterjåkk to Låkta.
Check the snow level along the route before heading out. For more information, contact the sports information office in Riksgränsen or Björkliden.
Our own favorites
Kärkevagge / Trollsjön
About 9000 years ago, the glacial ice sheet retreated, but in some valleys it remained and melted, which is called ‘dead ice’. In the valley Kärkevagge there are remains from this time in the form of large and fascinating boulders. At the far end of the valley where the mountain sides fall steeply, one can find the mythical lake Rissajaure, which is also called Trollsjön. Aim towards the middle of the valley and cross between the boulders that the ice age left behind.
Måndalen in Winter
One of the most popular hikes in summer can now also be experienced in winter. Take the lift up to the top of Björkliden’s home mountain where a mile-wide vista with untouched slopes can be viewed. Ski towards the top 1313 where a fantastic outlook awaits. This jaunt comes with a high reward and we recommend you take the journey down to Måndalen for a warming coffee break.
Suggested three summit tour in the area around Björkliden and Riksgränsen
Kåppastjårro (1313)
Quick and easy with good riding and magnificent views. Start at the Kittel chair lift descent in Björkliden’s ski system. Walk towards the clearly marked top in the direction of lift. From the top you can choose a variety of lines, with varying difficulty, down to Björkliden.
Elevation: 380 meters
Time: 1 hour to the top
Difficulty: Easy
Vassitjåkka Nord
A classic tour that is a must for every top tour enthusiast. Start in Vassijaure and ski 2 km southeast towards Kärkevagge. Then turn right and go on the left side of the brook ravine on large snowfields. At 1000 meters it flattens out and you follow the ridge southwest which leads to the top. Then select the downhill run – sometimes a large number of lines are available with different degrees of difficulty.
Elevation: 850 meters
Time: 4 hours to the top
Difficulty: Moderate
A fantastic overall experience that ends with the spectacular Kopparåsrännan. Start at Låktatjåkka train station. Walk along the cross-marked trail via Vargpasset (Wolf Pass), up to Låktatjåkko Fjällstation. From there further up on Låktatjåkka’s top. From the top you can choose to go down back to the mountain station or to go down the front in Koppasåsrännan, one of Sweden’s finest off-piste skis.
Elevation: 950 meters
Time: 4 hours to Låktatjåkko Mountain Station, 30 minutes further up to the top
Difficulty: Moderate